Posts with tag: "Portraits"
Winter is not a slow time for photographers!
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Winter is not a slow time for photographers!

Rumor:  After Christmas photographers are not very busy.  I disagree.  You just get a little more time to keep busy yourself with what's important to you and work at a less hectic pace.  

Ellie Mathews with her Mommy and Daddy!
Monday, November 14, 2016
Winter is not a slow time for photographers!

I have been blessed because I was able to reconnect with Courtney Mathews and meet her husband Brandon and her daughter Ellie. I found out I already knew Brandon.  He went to school with my kids. So it was a awkward and the only appropriate response would be, "Good to see you again."  Can I blame it on age?  I did meet Ellie for the first time and what a treat.  Here she is in her glory. I can't wait for you to see the rest of her portraits!   

I get to be in pictures!
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Winter is not a slow time for photographers!

This is what is so awesome about my job!  It's families and friends I meet along the way.  I get to watch families and babies grow up right before my eyes and every once in awhile I get to be in a picture. This is Faith.  She makes me smile. Thanks for taking a little time out of your day Bruce and Jordan to visit. Its was nice!   

Thursday, November 10, 2016
Winter is not a slow time for photographers!


Colors of my back yard
Monday, October 31, 2016
Winter is not a slow time for photographers!

My beautiful backdrop of color is so vibrant right now. This setting is ideal because my clients enjoy every season of color and the studio is here as well. No reason to travel to different locations. Many happy memories are made here during each portrait session so they're happy memories for me as well.  
